
Mahila P.G. Mahavidyalaya was established in 1987, to fulfil the vision of Lok Nayak Shri Jai Narain Vyas, with the aim to provide quality education to a girl students irrespective of caste, creed and economic background. Beginning with a mere strength of 41 students the college has steadily grown through its journey of 25 years, it now imparts education to more than 3230 students. Our is a multi faculty college providing programmes in the fields of Arts, Science and commerce at both undergraduate and Post graduate level. Keeping in pace with the global demands we have also started programmes in Biotechnology, Computer Applications and Management

A spirit undaunted 'Lok Nayak Shri Jai Naraian Vyas, not only a political persona, a great freedom fighter, a liberal democrat, he was above all a social reformer. He was particularly concerned about 'Women Education' in this backward region of Rajasthan. With a view to fulfil the vision of the Lok Nayak, Mahila P.G. Mahavidyalaya was found under the auspices of Shri Jai Narain Vyas Shikshan Sansthan.
Mahila P.G. Mahavidyalaya has been envisioned as an institution of excellence, with main focus on building capabilities of girl students for a holistic development of their personality. This is to be achieved through comprehensive education in synthesis with educational process, professionalism with technological and managerial knowledge so that they can serve nation and society.

To provide value based quality education. An education with lumanistic approach. We strive to mould the personalities of our students as-
- An open minded women
- With a scientific and professional outlook.
- As a convener of Cultural heritage.
- Modern in views and outlook, yet preserver of culture and values.
- As a confident person.
- A professional with humanitarian approach.
- And above all an enlightened citizen of India.
Strength/Best Practices :
- College is managed by a visionary management which firmly believes in the dreams of Shri Jai Narain Vyas to educate women.
- Democratic approach is maintained in taking any decisions, management is democratized and participatory. Teacher's representatives present staff in the governing body.
- Quality of education in our institution can be assessed from the fact that we get more than three times applications for admission in our college compared to total number of sanctioned seats.
- Our students achieve place in University merit list.
- Family environment conducive for academic and personality development.
- Highly Qualified staff.
- Teacher-ward system establishes personal bond with the students.
- Participation of faculty at international, national and university level activities.
- Faculty publishes research/review paper and chapters in Journals and books.
- Publication of books by faculty is also be done.
- Awards, honours have been bestowed upon our faculty members by various agencies.
- Internal faculty development programme is operational.
- Teaching plan made at the beginning of the session ensures regularity and effective evaluation by use of ICT enabled methods.
- Technically competent supporting staff is also available in college.
- Number of students have cleared NET(8), RAS(2) and PTET(36) in last 2 years.
- Students seminars, workshops and project presentations have been made.
- National Seminars and workshops are organized by the college.
- Extension lectures are organized for academic growth and knowledge update of students and faculty members.
- Development of staff language skills through language laboratory is an added facility in the college.
- Earn while you learn activities of Home Science Department are in progress..
- Continuous evaluation of student performance through class tests, presentations and pre-University tests.
- Remedial classes for educationally disadvantages students.
- NET/SLET/RAS/PTET coaching classes for competitive exams.
- Cultural events and other co-curricular and sports activities.
- Science fairs and educational visits for concerned students.
- Incentive to meritorious students in form of scholarships.
- Freeships for economically weak students.
- Community services through NSS.
- Well placed Alumni.
- Good Infrastructural facilities, secure campus.
- Well equipped laboratories.
- Well developed Library with internet facility.
- Staff Welfare Fund for financial assistance to staff members.
- 'Spandan' the College magazine is published annually to provide a creative outlet to the students.